nickname:silver lightning
dingo:N/A(for now)
class:ushio(waits for approval)
job:delivery service
history:thesla was born in ushio and therefore named ushio after he became 12 his grandfather gave him a sword called the swordsmans blade and a few months after delivery men came and he said his goodbyes to his family and sneaked behind the men after they got to akautsuki the saw him and he told them he wanted their job and shortly after they got him a job as a delivery boy
weapon:swordsmans blade[img][URL= boy/BlaziaDragon/Anime Boy/AnimeBoy.jpg?o=3][/URL][/img]
nickname:silver lightning
dingo:N/A(for now)
class:ushio(waits for approval)
job:delivery service
history:thesla was born in ushio and therefore named ushio after he became 12 his grandfather gave him a sword called the swordsmans blade and a few months after delivery men came and he said his goodbyes to his family and sneaked behind the men after they got to akautsuki the saw him and he told them he wanted their job and shortly after they got him a job as a delivery boy
weapon:swordsmans blade[img][URL= boy/BlaziaDragon/Anime Boy/AnimeBoy.jpg?o=3][/URL][/img]